Monday, December 14, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Scott and Ann went and played out in the snow... she LOVED it! She must get that from her daddy because i HATE being cold. she was bundled up really well and she made the snow man and played and still was a little sad to come in. Everyday i think... how is this our little baby? she's such big girl.

All bundled up and ready to have some fun!

With her little nose after plying outside. This is straight from my childhood... my mom always made us hot coco and toast when we came in from playing in the snow. So i had it ready for them when they came in. Thanks mom for being such a great mom and a good example for me to follow

So as you can see Ann was not huge fan of her snow pants when we were inside. she kept saying off please off and neck ouch because the zipper comes up to her neck. It is pretty funny when she say neck or anything with a hard K sound because it is HARD 'K'!

SANTA... i know him!!
We saw Santa for the first time! This is about as close as we got to him. Still even though she was terrified she says SANTA!! Ho ho ho! In every picture and statue we see.

Philippi the small city we live in has a parade for pretty much everything and i mean everything! A Halloween Christmas, whatever the holiday they have one and i love it! This is the Christmas parade and it was the biggest one yet. Here is Santa!

So yes, if you look close there is man dressed like Jesus. This was a church float and i had to take a picture because i thought it was kind of odd... who does that?

more floats... still i love it! We had hot coco looked at all the crafts and watched the parade.

aww our little family supporting the town parade

we are cutting down our tree. i remember doing this as a child ... and i loved it!! have i said i loooove Christmas. love the smell from the tree. i just love it all!

Ann loves to help with dishes. we are soaked by the time we are all done

oh the job of a daddy dragging the tree all the way to the car... what a good da ddy

they gave us this cart to put the tree in and we rode in it until it tipped over because we live in WV with all the hills :)

kinda of creepy... i think that's what he was going for

paint paint and more paint

Ann loves hats loves them on her dolls and in her books pretty much anything with a hat she loves. she will stand in a mirror & just watch herself


  1. She is getting so big! We miss you guys! I am sure it is fun being out East and enjoying everything! Merry Christmas and take care!

  2. Looks like you have had a lot of wonderful family time. Have a very Merry Christmas!!!
