Friday, October 31, 2008


We are so lucky... she's the happiest baby ever!

This video is so fun. Ann is just so happy all the time. When Eric and Jaime were over Jaime was making her laugh and after a while Scott said to grab the camera- so we caught the tail end of Ann... just being Ann happy as can be.

As i explain in the video- Ann just learned how to arch her back and few days after i took this she rolled. We still have yet to get that on video. It just sneaks up on us and she rolling. She thinks it's so funny to arch her back when we are holding her, trying to put her to sleep, and when we are buckling her in the car seat. This new found independence makes our lives a little trickier... but as always we love it!

Ann and her daddy just snuggling together... look at those big blue eyes!
Ann and Lily. Lily is Jaime (scott's sister) and Eric's daughter. We watched her for a few hours while they went to a wedding. Lily loved Ann and had a blast just haning her toys. They played so well together. Well... Lily played well with Ann.

Ann loves her new exersauser. She jusp playes with all the toys and loves being able to move around on her own.

I love this picture!

Ann was having a blast being in her diaper and by the time i got the camera she was just about done and was ready for a nap. Soem people may think it weird that we post this video of her not super happy... but we did it because she doesn't cry very much she just yells when she wants something. So this is Ann yelling at her daddy :)