Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Kids Museum cont.

This was the funniest part of the day. Ann touched this grass and she HATED the way it felt. When she would fall she wouldn't put her hands down to catch herself... so when we were about to leave she fell but fell forward. Instead of bracing herself with her hands she put her hands out and fell flat on her belly with all four limbs out and up so they wouldn't touch she also didn't want her head to touch so she was stretching her little neck as long as she could. it was so funny that she hated that feeling

our little monkey


fun with the fish!

Kids Museum

After DC we went to North Carolina and spent time with Scott's sister and their family. We don't see them very often and it was GREAT to spend some time with them. We had a blast the kids played amazing together! We went to a children's museum and it was amazing! I felt like Scott and i were having as much fun as Ann. Under water sea room
Tons of blocks to build. Scott was in heaven until Ann started helping him and knocked of his mater piece :-) We always get way into kids things... maybe we are just big kids ourselves

Ann dressed up like a mail man there were mail and big mail trucks to play in

Playing doctor with daddy. it was pretty funny to see Scott squeeze his body in all the little kids stuff

This was my favorite. giant chess pieces we really wanted to play a game but Ann was helping... a lot. i kind of felt like harry potter!