Friday, September 18, 2009

Video of the our new home

Dad, This is for you!

My dad has been patiently waiting for a video of our new place. Everytime i talk to him i tell him... when the house is clean i will take a video. Inspite of my daily efforts of cleaning and having my house almost perfectly clean... i just came to the realization that it may never be perfectly clean. It is always deep cleaned but when Ann is big enough to grab out book and toys it is unfair to tell your children they can't play with something because you want the house clean. How is that helping her grow and learn and discover? So this is our place almost perfect.


  1. You decorated so quick! It looks great!! I have some sweet linolium in our house too that I know you'd be jealous of. Its a burnt orange color with a 70's design. Your green with envy aren't you;) We also have a rug covering it. Wish I was smart enough to know how to record and post videos on my blog. Miss you guys!

  2. Cute house. Hope all is well in WV. Everyone is missing Scott on Bmed.

  3. Kim, so cute! I can't believe how quickly you got all settled. Way to go. And I love all the curtains. You're amazing! I love the 2 second bit of Scott holding Ann. Miss you guys!

  4. Your virtual tour was perfect! Your home is so peaceful, and it's remarkable how even on video you can notice the stark contrast between the traffic outside and the serenity within your home. Thanks so much for letting us catch a glimpse of your new place, including the awesome green linoleum!
