oh the love of sisters- Ann can love her so much that she accidentally elbows her and we don't hear a peep but if i wipe spit up off her she has a fit :) Already i think she loves her big sis
I love that when Ann talks to Alice she says words like "sweety", and "darling"
Our life with 2 is crazy!! changes with two kids are:
my house is no longer immaculate
days fly by even faster than before
twice the smiles
i may never have time for a hobby again
schedules are out the window :)
sleep is more important than a clean house or ANY project
i tell myself 10 times a day to RELAX :)
the balancing act has begun
goal for the day: Get everyone dressed and ready for the day, make everyone happy :), cook dinner, survive :)
i wouldn't trade it for the world!
Your girls are so beautiful! I am lucky if the house is picked up and dinner is made and the kids are happy! The day flies by! I miss you guys! I miss Kate and Mia being young and playful and babies. They grow up so fast! :)