Monday, June 8, 2009

Ann Maire's 1st Birthday!

I don't even know how it happened... but Ann's 1! I feel like she is still my little baby. She is up walking around with a voice and an opinion. I can't even handle it. What a BIG girl!

Whit was so great to come over for Ann's party.

We got Ann some balloons and she loved them. She would go and hug them all day long. Best $1 gift!

Ben and Cindy came all the way from Michigan for Ann's birthday. It was so fun for them to really get to know Ann and he personality. It was great to see them!
OK... OK ... I know the cake isn't much to look at but i tried really hard to decorate it cute! I just wanted it to be something different and fun!

1 comment:

  1. The cake turned out great! Way fancier than what I did for my kids' 1st birthdays!
